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The “Information Research Communications” (IRC) is a cutting-edge scholarly publication that has rapidly become a prominent platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to disseminate and exchange innovative ideas, theories, and findings in the dynamic field of information science, research communication, and technology, encompassing a broad spectrum of topics such as information retrieval, data analytics, knowledge management, digital communication, social media, and the evolving landscape of scholarly communication.

CALL FOR PAPERS - Info.Res. Commn 

Information Research Communications, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, invites submissions on information science, communication, and technology. We welcome original research, reviews, and short communications. Submit at https://inforescom.org or email: editor@inforescom.org .

Contents from Current Issue

Dr. Sathishkumar V E Author informationCitations Corresponding author. Dr. Sathishkumar V E, Ph.D, Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University, 47500, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. Email: editorial.office@inforescom.org Copyright and License information Copyright ©2024 Phcog.Net This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative…

Mueen Ahmed KK Author informationCitations Mueen Ahmed KK Publishing Editor, IRC, Phcog.Net, #9, Vinnse Tower, Wheeler Road extension, Bengaluru, INDIA. Email: mueen.ahmed@phcog.net Copyright and License information Copyright ©2024 Phcog.Net This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to…

Dr. Sathishkumar V E Author informationCitations Corresponding author. Dr. Sathishkumar V E, Ph.D, Department of Computing and Information Systems, Sunway University, 47500, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA. Email: editorial.office@inforescom.org Author Notes January 11, 2024; February 25, 2024; March 13, 2024. Copyright and License information Copyright ©2024 Phcog.Net This is…

M Chaman Sab1 and KK Mueen Ahmed2 Author informationCitations 1A.R.G. College of Arts and Commerce, Davangere, Karnataka, INDIA 2Phcog.Net, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA Corresponding author. Dr. Mueen Ahmed KK Phcog.Net, No. 9, St. Thomas Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA. Email: mueen.ahmed@phcog.net Author Notes January 08, 2024; February 16, 2024; March 05, 2024.…

KK Mueen Ahmed1 and M Chaman Sab2 Author informationCitations 1Phcog.Net, No. 9, St. Thomas Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA 2A.R.G. College of Arts and Commerce, Davangere, Karnataka, INDIA Corresponding author. Correspondence: Mr. Chaman Sab M A.R.G. College of Arts and Commerce, Davangere, Karnataka, INDIA. Email: chamansabm@gmail.com Author Notes January 15, 2024;…

M Chaman Sab1, KK Mueen Ahmed2 and B Mallikarjun3 Author informationCitations 1A.R.G. College of Arts and Commerce, Davanagere, INDIA 2Phcog.Net, Bengaluru, INDIA 3Government First Grade College, Koppal, INDIA Corresponding author. Correspondence: Mr. Mallikarjun B Government First Grade College, Koppal, Karnataka, INDIA. Email: mallikarjun.kappi@ka.gov.in Author Notes February 09, 2024; September 28,…

Dr. Mueen Ahmed KK Author informationCitations Corresponding author. Correspondence: Dr. Mueen Ahmed KK Phcog.Net, No. 9, St. Thomas Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA. Email: mueen.ahmed@phcog.net Author Notes January 14, 2024; February 20, 2024; March 18, 2024. Copyright and License information Copyright ©2024 Phcog.Net This is an open access article distributed under…

Author informationCitations Copyright and License information Copyright ©2024 Phcog.Net This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are…

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